Actually not just wrinkles, but sagging and lines too. Let me explain.
Too much sugar can lead to inflammation in the deep layers of the skin. We often think of inflammation as a swelling, such as from a bug bite or sprain. Inflammation in the deep tissues of skin is triggered by ingested sugar, it binds with lipids and proteins in the skin, resulting in something called glycation. It is glycation that spurs premature aging by causing collagen and elastin fibers to become brittle and reduce elasticity. Reduced elasticity becomes apparent on the surface layers of the skin as sagging, wrinkling, sallowness. We not only lose the firm tone of youthful skin, we lose that glow found in healthy skin.
As skin becomes affected by glycation, it also becomes less able to to fight off environmental damages from UVA rays, cigarette smoke and pollutants.
One may wonder, does a candy bar really hurt? It’s not just the sugary foods and sodas that add excess sugar to a diet. The way food is prepared plays a big role in sugar consumption. For instance, caramelizing adds sugar, so does cooking with milk, fruit or fruit juices, adding flavored syrups to your coffee drinks and more.
Surprisingly, excess sugar consumption’s negative effect on the skin can show up in as little as a few months. Noticeable changes continue appearing for several years.
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the maximum amount of added* sugars the average healthy American may safely consume in a day are:
- Men: 150 calories per day (37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons).
- Women: 100 calories per day (25 grams or 6 teaspoons).
Current estimates are that the average American consumes 22.2 teaspoons (350 calories) of processed sugar per day. For example, a can of soda alone can have as many as 40 grams, or about 10 teaspoons of sugar. Just one can of soda per day excedes the AHA recommended amounts for both men and women, having a negative effect on your skin and appearance.
Don’t worry, it’s not too late to make significant improvements to your skin! Sugar is in virtually every meal we consume, so cutting out additional sugar entirely, such as in cakes, fruit juices and processed food, will have an amazing effect on the skin. Even just cutting your sugar intake in half will help improve your complexion, your skin may seem less dry within days!
HELPFUL TIP #1! 4 grams of sugar = 1 teaspoon – an important fact to keep in mind when reading nutrition labels
HELPFUL TIP #2! Below are some other names for sugar that you may see on food labels:
Agave nectar
Evaporated cane juice
Malt syrup
Brown sugar
Maple syrup
Cane crystals
Fruit juice concentrates
Cane sugar
Raw sugar
Corn sweetener
High-fructose corn syrup
Corn syrup
Crystalline fructose
Invert sugar
HELPFUL TIP #3! For nutrition information in common foods and drinks, check out the USDA Foods List, it’s a fantastic resource and easy to use! Here’s the link: