Adventures in soup!
Yesterday I told you about the disappointment I felt when I discovered that the vegan french onion soup at my favorite restaurant was taken off the menu. I spent some time scouring the internet for vegan french onion soup recipes, but nothing sounded quite like the soup at Sun Cafe. What’s a girl to do? Well, this girl headed to the store to grab some potential ingredients and get creative!
After a slight delay caused my discovery of the super yummy Curry Love, I am happy to say that I have spent the afternoon playing in the kitchen and have struck gold!
I started off with 4 pounds of sweet onions, olive oil and low sodium vegetable broth as the main ingredients. I had found recipes that included little or no wine, some with white wine or sherry, but I chose to use a red wine blend. Taste testing the base, I found it bland and that’s where the fun came in! A pinch of this, a bit of that, lots of experimenting and, woohoo, a lovely french onion soup without any animal products! Yay!
On a personal note, I am primarily a vegetarian as I do eat eggs (more about those in an upcoming article), cheese and dairy products. I do, however, have found myself choosing vegan options more often lately. The soup I loved at my favorite restaurant was vegan. I was attempting to re-create their soup, so I chose to create a soup that was vegan. I can say that I think it would be terrific if the onions were sauteed in butter instead of olive oil and, also, if it was topped with real cheese versus the almond or tofu cheeses I used in my experiment.
The cheese products I chose were the Tofutti Dairy Free Mozzarella and the Lisanatti Foods Almond Mozzarella. The Tofutti melted well, but did not brown. It also made the bread croutons soggy. The Lisanatti almond cheese did brown, but it didn’t melt. These are not exactly like real dairy cheese, but if you are vegan or have dairy issues, they are a great alternative. At the restaurant that inspired my french onion soup project, they used cashew cheese and it tasted very cheesy. Please check out my final recipe! I’m calling my version No Bull French Onion Soup! You can find it under the Favorite Recipes located in the green bar at the top of this page! Hey, if you try it, please drop me a note and let me know your thoughts!