In the U.S. there are over 100 million people with long term, or acute, joint & muscle pain and stiffness. There are millions more with short term pain and stiffness. Many contribute it to getting older, but that isn’t necessarily true and stretching daily may be solution to your discomfort.
Many times general aches and pains aren’t serious, they may be cause by overexertion, stress, exercise, drug side effects and even depression. Common illnesses such as colds and the flue can also cause muscle and join pain. Being over a healthy weight can also put a strain on your muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments. A diet high in simple carbs can also cause lethargy, weak muscles and poor posture.
If your aches and pains are from common, non-harmful causes, there are a couple of things that can help. Cherry Juice is known to help alleviate inflammation and muscle aches, as well as enhancing overall health. Your hormones may be out of balance. Healthy levels of growth hormone may offer greater muscle tone, increased joint mobility, increased strength, fat loss and many other age reversing benefits. Increasing your HGH level is now easier than in the past, you can now find an effective FDA registered transdermal HGH available without a prescription.
An easy way to find relief from aches and pains can often be found in stretching. You can do this at home, without any special equipment. In as little as 10 minutes a day, you can feel better and prevent the intensity and frequency of future aches and pains. My friends at Traverse Bay Farms have made this video to share with you.
Stretching Routine for Chronic Pain Or Stiffness
Try it and let us know what you think!