To set the tone for my day, part of my usual morning routine is to listen to positive mindset podcasts, audio book recordings or music. Some of my favorite sources are Neville Goddard, Abraham-Hicks, Tony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuck, you get the idea. This sets the tone for my day and anchors me to positive and optimistic thoughts that help me as challenges inevitably appear throughout the day.
The next thing I tend to do, as I’m having my coffee & shake, is to pop in on Facebook. I make it a habit to unfollow, or block, people and pages that tend to be negative. Repeatedly seeing, hearing or reading negative comments, stories or music have been proven to have an effect on one’s state. Sometimes, however, things pop up that just make me say, ‘hey now…”.
Today I got sucked into one of those threads that I thought was going to be positive but turned into a ‘hey now’ experience.
I saw a headline and photo on the CMT Facebook page. The headline was about Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban all turning 50 this year. As a huge fan of Tim and Faith, I clicked on the story because I thought it would be motivating, and it was, until I began reading the comments.
One after another, people were posting things like ‘it’s easy for them, they’re rich’, ‘if I had their money’, ‘sure, they have personal chefs and trainers’ and then there were a plethora of plastic surgery comments. This is sad to me for a couple of reasons.
I agree it’s easier to buy goods and services when you have extra money. I also agree that things like Botox, cosmetic procedures and personal trainers can make a difference in one’s life.
I don’t agree that the only reason famous people look good, at whatever age, is because they have money. The real reasons they look good are because they have tenacity, belief in themselves, work hard to achieve their health and career goals and took the steps necessary to create success in their lives.
They aren’t any different from the rest of us, they have a dream and the dedication to see it through.
Oprah Winfrey has personal chefs, trainers and, probably, more money than the McGraw and Urban families put together, yet she still struggles with weight. She’s even bought the Weight Watchers organization and she still follows the program to maintain the recent success she’s had with her weight. She still has to do the work. She is still the only one responsible for what she puts in her mouth.
Oprah isn’t the only one who struggled with weight despite her wealth. Elizabeth Taylor, Janet Jackson, Brittany Spears, Kelly Clarkson, Kirstie Alley, Mariah Carey. Again, there’s a long list. Money doesn’t buy a fit body – a decision to commit to having a fit body buys you a fit body. Walking is free. Exercise doesn’t require equipment or money. What you eat is a choice. Decide.
As far as financial wealth, think about the successful celebrities that have gone bankrupt; Willie Nelson, Burt Reynolds, Mike Tyson, Nicolas Cage, Pamela Anderson, Cyndi Lauper, to name a few, the list is long. Just google it. At the time, many of them blamed other people for the situation, but we are each responsible for our own lives. The good news is, it seems most of them came back stronger than ever!
Think about it. Most entertainers don’t become famous by accident, they work for it. Once they achieve career and financial success, they have to continue to be diligent and work hard to maintain their persona & stay relevant or they’ll lose it. The same is true for us.
Ok, rant over. 🙂
Decide what you want and go get it! Have an amazing day, Bobbi
“Each day we are born again. It is what we do today that matters most.” – Buddha
Here’s a link to the article I saw on Facebook this morning:
Here’s CMT’s Facebook page: